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I'm an observer and a maker. I'm interested in human behavior.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Upcoming House Re-Do!!

Kevin and I have decided that the time has come for us to finally start making our beautiful house more of our own. When we moved in (2 years ago!!) I was 6 months pregnant and not in any state to repaint the walls or take on any sort of decorating responsibilities. I was having a very hard pregnancy at the time and now our house still looks like we just moved our stuff into someone else's space (be it a nice space). So I am trying to wrap my brain around what direction I want to take it. As we have to do this in installments I thought that doing inspirational collages for each room would be the way to go. I happen to be a collector of odd little antiques and books (I can not get enough of books!), dolls, I love rusty tools and the like, so I want to incorporate these into the design of the house. I also have a child so I need to come up with clever ideas of how to organize without it looking like Martha Stewart vomited in my space. We have a lot of antique furniture that is starting to look a little on the shabby side as well as a bunch of Kevin's grandfather's furniture that will need to be redone (currently my living room looks like a gentleman's club with all of the dark wood... help)!

Here is some inspiration for our master bedroom and connecting bath. I'm just looking at color right now and photos that share some of the same aesthetic as myself. I really want at least one slate gray wall, or to incorporate that color in somewhere in the space. I usually do not like posting other people's stuff... but I figure that in this instance it is ok.

**Most of these photos were found on other design blogs that I look at. If one of these photos is yours and you want it removed please let me know.**

Lists, Lists, Lists...

I find myself forever making and remaking lists for myself. It is a habit that is forever driving the people around me crazy because I can not come up with a good idea with out writing it down (I have an irrational fear of forgetting things). So this week I am posting my list for the next week (or so)

This week:
Finish sewing on new drawings, take photos, post.
Start 2 new drawings
Designs for prints
Read instructions for new silk screening kit
Make outline for new Etsy shop, research material costs
Read, read, read
Try not to get too depressed when birthday rolls around this Tuesday. (yes, I actually wrote this down on my list).

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Water Bearers

I spent a total of 2 hours last night working on one of my new pieces (although this may not sound like much to most people... trust me it is an exercise in discipline when you have a child and just want to vegetate after he goes to bed!) Since my research on alchemy began I have become increasingly interested in the concept of the Water Bearer. I, of course am a bit bias as I am an Aquarius. But to be truthful I know next to nothing about astrology and have never really thought too much about it until now. I have found that, inadvertently, all of my new pieces revolve around the magic that is associated with water. The newest painting/drawing that I am almost finished with (yay!) is the more literal of the two by far. Thousands of tiny tiny circles make up the dress of a faceless woman who is charged with the care of the Water Bearer. I have resisted the urge to post pictures of these pieces until they are finished. By I will share an image that is extremely interesting in it's simplicity and inspiring me for the next one.

Until next time...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Much Inspiration and Aspirations ~ The 30 Freak-outs

This week has been so very strange for me indeed. My usual tendencies to be very discouraged and nervous took hold at the beginning of the week, but today looks to be a brighter one. Upon reflection and encouragement from the most unlikely of places I have decided to try to take on an endeavor of massive proportions.

I have decided that time is too precious to waste my life away sitting behind a desk and being someone's secretary for the rest of my life and instead go out and go forth with a business of my own... making and creating (and hopefully someone will be buying). Of course this is such a long process that it is almost daunting for me to think about it. My 32nd birthday rapidly approaches and perhaps I am experiencing what my dear friend Kim called the "30 freak-outs", but if so I am glad that they are upon me because that in combination with my desire to be the creative woman that I am and wanting to make a good life for my son are motivating me to take the fates into my own hands. I am lucky that I am surrounded by supportive and creative people who can help me through, even if it is just the moral encouragement to keep me going and keep my perspective in tact.

This week also saw me forming an installation group with a dear friend of mine James Seevers (see posting below for more information on him). We have confirmed a venue and in April will be putting up an installation in San Francisco with a sound-scape to match.

My paintings and drawings are coming along splendidly as well. I feel so happy and positive about them after having "artist-block" for literally 4 years. So I move forward... slow and steady.

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Calendars are available in the store!

Have some very cute 2010 calendars available in the store right now. Simple, but that's the way I like them...

2010!! Happy New Year All

Well 2009 was a pretty bla year if you ask me, which is why I am starting to get very excited for what 2010 may bring. First off I am working on textiles again. Bought a silk screening kit and I am starting to warm up the 'ol sewing machine. I think that my #1 artistic resolution this year is to make hand-made textiles and continue working on my alchemy-inspired drawings. I am going to be joining forces with one of my oldest friends indeed, Patrick Ahern, in a new Etsy endeavor. We are going to be selling hand-made knits for wear and house, textile and paper goods... so keep an eye out for that.

On the home front... Ian in nearly 19 months old and has hit the terrible two's a bit early so patience is definitely a virtue at this point in time, but he is growing, loves building with blocks, and painting so the fun continues.

Hopefully I will have some new pictures to show you soon. And a reconfiguration of this blog's set up is in order too.

Happy New Year!